Helping you clarify your culture and magnify your brand!

Your gym was meant to create impact. Is your branding helping that cause?
Could you reach more athletes with better branding, YES!

Let's Connect!

Planning Tools

Discover the cyclical nature of cheerleading and how you can take command of your to-do list. Implement systems to get the job done! 

Leadership Development

Leadership is a collection of skills that work in concert to bring a group of people closer to their shared goal. These skills CAN be learned!

Self Guided Courses

Grow your business on your own schedule through recorded lessons, consulting calls with Carissa, and critical thinking assignments.

Imagine a gym that lives out the dream you see in your heart, the vision you have in your mind!

Rise Productions vision is to empower athletes to grow confidently in leadership and competition. As an industry professional with over twenty years experience I feel compelled to do the same for gym owners, program directors, and coaches too. This is why RP Consulting was created; The materials you will find through partnership with RP Consulting are those which I used for years to find success in my various roles in the competitive cheerleading industry. I can't wait for you to experience the growth and strength of your gym

- Carissa


Your gym was meant to create impact. Is your branding helping that cause?
Could you reach more athletes with better branding, YES!

Work With RP Consulting!